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Foster Youth and Homeless Resources
Homeless Student Resources
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Program helps homeless children receive equal access to a free public education as provided to all of the other children in the District. A child is considered homeless if they do not have a regular adequate residence. This means any students living in shelters, in substandard housing, doubled up with friends or relatives because they have no other place to go and cannot afford a home. The other living arrangements included are single room hotels, cars, parks and public places.
Evergreen Union School District helps these families by providing bussing to and from school. Also, upon request, backpacks and school supplies are available.
For assistance, contact:
Your local School District Liaison for the homeless and foster youth:
Sarah Harp
McKinney Vento (Homeless) and Foster Youth Liaison
Sarah Harp
McKinney Vento (Homeless) and Foster Youth Liaison
Your County Liaison for the homeless:
Karina Velasquez
Karina Velasquez
Tehama County Department of Education Homeless Program Speciality
Leanne Wheeler
State Coordinator
California Department of Education
See the posters below for more information!