Suicide Prevention & Resources
Our district wants all of our students to be healthy, both physically and mentally. We encourage students to take control of their mental health and learn how to seek help for themselves or a friend if needed.
One of the biggest challenges to mental health is teen depression, a very common, yet widely overlooked mood disorder that will impact 15–20% of young people before they reach adulthood. It is also a risk factor to suicide.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, suicide is currently the third leading cause of death for youth and young adults aged 10 to 24 years. In light of that, we are providing this page for students, families, staff, and community members who are looking for resources to help themselves or people they know who may be contemplating suicide. We encourage the EUSD community to share this page widely.
Family Resources
At EUSD, we use Erika’s Lighthouse’s mental health and depression awareness program called Depression Awareness for our suicide prevention curriculum taught to our 7th and 8th graders.
A key component of the Erika’s Lighthouse program is Family Engagement through education and awareness. They have developed two ways that may help promote conversations with your children about mental health and depression:
The Family Handbook on Mental Health and Depression was written by parents, for parents to help families extend school-based mental health education to the home. You can access this free resource here at
A short Virtual Family Workshop is available for you to watch. This workshop will give you an opportunity to learn more about mental health and depression in adolescents, and prepare you for any discussion at home. You can view this free workshop here.
These fact-based, student friendly and hopeful programs promote the messages we need our students to hear - Everyone deserves to have good mental health, depression is common and can be serious, but there is hope and help. You are not alone.
We look forward to working together to better inform students of important issues, like depression, and provide the tools students need to navigate challenging times.
DYK? Facts About Suicide
- Suicide is the third leading cause of death for youth and young adults aged 10 to 24 years (CDC).
- The number one person a student will turn to for helping a suicidal friend is a teacher (Jason Foundation).
- The 2015-17 CA Healthy Kids Survey found that 16% of 9th graders and 16% of 11th graders in California have considered suicide. (CHKS).
- 25% of California 9th graders and 32% of 11th graders said they had chronic feelings of sadness or hopelessness in the last 12 months (CHKS).
- Four out of five youth who attempt suicide show clear warning signs (Jason Foundation).
- Risk factors for youth suicide include isolation, depression, being LGBTQ, and substance abuse (CDC).
EUSD'S Suicide Prevention Policy
Evergreen recognizes that suicide is a leading cause of death among youth and that school personnel who regularly interact with students are often in a position to recognize the warning signs of suicide and to offer appropriate referral and/or assistance. In an effort to reduce suicidal behavior and its impact on students and families, the following measures and strategies for suicide prevention and intervention are in place, but are not limited to:
- Staff development on suicide awareness and prevention for teachers, school counselors, and other district employees who interact with students, as described in the accompanying administrative regulation
- Instruction to students in problem-solving and coping skills to promote students' mental, emotional, and social health and well-being, as well as instruction in recognizing and appropriately responding to warning signs of suicidal intent in others
- Methods for promoting a positive school climate that enhances students' feelings of connectedness with the school and that is characterized by caring staff and harmonious interrelationships among students
- The provision of information to parents/guardians regarding risk factors and warning signs of suicide, the severity of the suicide problem among youth, the district's suicide prevention curriculum, basic steps for helping suicidal youth, and/or school and community resources that can help youth in crisis
- Encouragement for students to notify appropriate school personnel or other adults when they are experiencing thoughts of suicide or when they suspect or have knowledge of another student's suicidal intentions
- Crisis intervention procedures for addressing suicide threats or attempts
- Tehama County 24 Hour Crisis Unit: 1-800-240-3208
- National Crisis (Suicide) Hotline: Dial 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- California Youth Crisis Line: (800) 843-5200
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or
- Trevor Project Lifeline (LGBTQ crisis intervention): (866) 488-7386
- Spanish Language Lifeline Number: (888) 628-9454
Additional Resources