Family & Student Resources
Evergreen Union School District is proud to serve a diverse community of students from pre-K through High School. This page includes links to EUSD resources, outside community organizations, and websites that we think are particularly helpful for our students and their families.

Parent/Student Handbook
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones (and other communication devices like smart watches) have become a way of life, a technological convenience that has impacted all of our lives in one way or another. However, in the school environment, they have become a distraction, interruption, and a method of inappropriate exchange of information. The ringing of the cell phone during class or text-messaging takes away from valuable time needed for instruction and most importantly, student learning. We do recognize that cell phones can be a safety/security tool; however, they can be a detriment in the event of a building emergency and our protocol to manage such emergencies in a safe and effective manner.
The policy at Evergreen Union School District is: students are not allowed to use a cell phone, smart watch, and/or any other communication device during school hours (including morning and afterschool daycare). All devices must be turned off and secured by the students. Of course, the best security is to leave the device at home. If it is necessary to confiscate your child’s device because it was out and visible, the following steps will be taken:
- 1st offense - cell phone (device) is taken by the teacher/staff and returned at the end of the period.
- 2nd offense- cell phone (device) is taken by teacher/staff, labeled and sent to the office to be picked up by parents/guardians.
- Future offenses: additional offenses and/or a student that refuses to comply with a request to surrender their cell phone (device) by any member of the faculty or staff and/or administrator, will be considered insubordinate resulting in further discipline.
Thank you in advance for partnering with us in order to provide a safe, productive, engaging, learning environment for all of our students. If, in the event you need to relay an urgent message to your child, please call the school office (347-3411) and our secretaries will ensure that your child gets the message. Please remember that transportation changes need to be in writing.
Student Dress Code
Students are expected to attend school in neat, clean, and appropriate clothing for their age and grade level. Research shows that students dress and appearance affect student attitudes and conduct. The following rules are intended to define appropriate student attire and personal grooming. Parents are asked to enforce the dress code standards before their child leaves for school in the morning. This will allow the school to fully concentrate on the academic learning process of all students in attendance. These standards are a result of working with parents, teachers, yard personnel, and the administration of the Evergreen Union School District.
- Attire and/or grooming depicting or advocating violence, weapons, criminal activity, gang-related activity, use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, pornography, foul language, hate speech, or clothing that could be considered dangerous or that could be used as a weapon are prohibited
- Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities, including physical education, science labs, field trips, and other activities where unique hazards or specialized attire or safety gear is required. Bare feet are not permitted at any time. Students must wear clothing, including both a shirt with pants or skirt, or the equivalent (for example, dresses, leggings, or shorts) and shoes
- Hats/caps must be worn facing forward and cannot be worn inside any building
- No torn or ripped jeans above the mid-thigh
- Shorts must have a 3" inseam
- When the body is standing straight, clothing must cover the chest, back, torso, stomach, and lower extremities from armpit to armpit to mid-thigh. Tops must have a strap. Undergarments are not to be exposed at any time. Students shall not be prohibited from dressing in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression or with their religious or cultural observance as long as it aligns with the above principles
- Students must wear shoes at all times. Shoes must have a heel strap, be secured to their feet and not pose a safety risk. Students cannot wear: flip flops, slides, slippers, or shoes with wheels
Transportation & Bus Handbook
Evergreen Union School District covers 575 square miles of land. As such, students need support in getting to school. Historically, students who reside within the Evergreen Union School District boundaries and attend Evergreen Elementary School (Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First through Fourth grades) as well as Evergreen Middle School (Fifth through Eighth grades) are eligible for transportation services, provided they follow the rules and regulations listed in the EUSD Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook for Transportation. It is not mandatory for the District to offer transportation; it is a privilege and service offered by the District, authorized by the Governing Board of Trustees.
- 2023 - 2024 Student Transportation Handbook (English/Spanish/Hmong)
- Bus Routes
- Emergency Bus Routes

Suicide Prevention & Resources
English Learner Student Resources
Title IX and Gender-based Harassment
Mental Health Supports

Water Bottle Filling Stations
Our District successfully requested grant funding for the installation of water bottle filling stations and those installations are now complete.
The Middle and Elementary School filling stations are in the respective gyms.
Bend School qualified for two stations. One is located in the kindergarten recess area and the other is in the breezway between the student restrooms.